In the beginning, there were two mums just like any other. Two mums that were always on the go, always glancing at their watches with that well-known ditty echoing in their minds - “I’m late, I’m late...” And now, the day is here, the birthday of your youngest. Eight of their little friends, real little angels, are co- ming to spend the afternoon at your house. And despite the backlog of things to do, you wonder whether you have time to run to the shops to pick up a ‘spider’ or a ‘kitty’ theme party bag... Not a chance because you can’t spend even more money and don’t have the time to visit 10 or more shops to get what you’d need. Not a chance because you don’t have the time, you don’t have the energy, you don’t have the ideas and you don’t have the resources. Tired of always running about, Gabriella Toscan du Plantier and Dorothée Monestier decided to create in 2010 My Little Day and turn this special day into one of the loveliest days of the year. (And more relaxed too!)
My Little Day is the busy mum’s secret weapon. My Little Day is an essential tool kit full of ideas for making any party unforgettable. My Little Day offers a range of impeccable taste and a selection of products that is well thought out and intelligently organised. My Little Day is the friend you can rely on. Generous, cool, inspiring and always the perfect companion when throwing a party.
My Little Day *NEW*
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My Little Day *NEW*
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My Little Day *NEW*
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My Little Day *NEW*
CHF 6.00
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